Master Peace

About us

Our Mission

Our intention is to align our thoughts, decisions, and actions for Human Consciousness Support and our products with the Highest and Best interests of all of Creation. We do our best, using the tools we have, to obtain the highest level of truth for research, development, and stewardship of products by Human Consciousness Support.

Meet Our Team

Matthew Hazen

CEO and Founder of Human Consciousness Support

Michael Coe

Founder of Phoreus Biotech Nanolabs

Caroline Mansfield

Naturopath and Dark field Microscopist expert.

Matt Sena

Detox Coach, Somatic Healing and Music/Live Performance Background. Graduated University of Michigan

Teri Lynn (Niki)

Certified in Eating Psychology and Holistic Health Coaching, 30 years in Communications.

Jimmy Smith

Certified in Eating Psychology and Holistic Health Coaching, 30 years in Communications.

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