Master Peace

Modern day nano (very small particles) toxins - A daily recurring problem

Forever Chemicals

Synthetic by-products of modern day conveniences

  • Bisphenol A (BPA’s) – A chemical primarily used in manufacturing modern plastics.
  • Polyfluoroalkyl (PFA’s) – A group of 4,700+ man-made chemicals used in everyday modern products.

Heavy Metals

Weaponized natural elements such as Aluminum & Lead

  • Graphene Oxide – Found in medications and modern day gene therapies.
  • Barium (BA), Aluminum (AL), Lead (LD) – Found in Chemical trails.
  • Arsenic, Chromium, Cobalt, Lead and Nickel – Found in pesticides, herbicides and fungicides.
  • Mercury – Found in dentistry.
What's inside the bottle?

The power of MasterPeace - Removing toxins on a cellular level


Marine Plasma

what is more easily understood as “the Origin of the World’s Food Chain.


Nano Zeolite

which is thee master binder & purifier of virtually all known toxins. Our formulation is meticulously created to go everywhere water goes in the body.


Structured & Energetically Infused

which is thee master binder & purifier of virtually all known toxins. Our formulation is meticulously created to go everywhere water goes in the body.


Let's talk safety about the word nano.

Not all very small particles (nano) are harmful. Nano just means 1 Billionth of a meter in geek terms. For the layman it just means SUPER SMALL.

1 line represents Nano size

Imagine 1 billion equal lines on this stick

How MasterPeace works

MasterPeace sets the standard as the keystone holistic supplement in today’s toxic world. Expect anything from subtle consistent improvements in your quality of life to astounding health upgrades!

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Support Consciousness



Who trusts MasterPeace?

“You sent us this product and it’s just fantastic. I have a website,, I only have products there that work. Yours, MasterPeace will always be there everyday.”

“(I had) at least 15 years of severe itching. Noctural, it’s a like a pruritis, a neuropathic itch, something to do with nerve damage. I had lead poisoning, from massive DDT poisoning when i was 15… usually i would lose a week of sleep because of the itching.

I think ive gone past that point now where the itch is going to wreck havoc on my life which it has for 15 years… as long as I stay with this product (MasterPeace). This product has got something in it that has given me a steady stability in my constitution. There’s no more weakness, mental fatigue, despair… im strong now.

Now I can eat more and i don’t wake up feeling… “I feel poisoned, something or someone is poisoning me”… that’s gone.”

Santos Bonacci

i have spent 25 years uncovering truth around this world. It is only through the grace of god MasterPeace was brought to my attention. This moment is of historical proportions for mankind…for what i have witnessed there are no words to describe this gift for our world. Our world requires hope…a light to follow…. MasterPeace is such light surrounded by amazing people with enormous hearts, courage and love. MasterPeace is not just some product… it contains the very essence of life within…it’s power to restore and protect all of mankind is of epic proportions.

Christopher James

Martin Pytela of Life Enthusiast Website and Podcast 

Today I am coming to you with a message that is a bit out of my ordinary. Having tested the product, i have to tell you that this is, exciting me.

I’m now in my 40th year of this research, so not a lot of stuff takes me out of my chair. This stuff does.

And I want to tell you that, with the gravity of what that means at least in my life… if you have any faith in what i have to say, then head this: this is important. The product is called MasterPeace…

The first thing i want to tell you is this: when i first took it in my mouth, and it’s always the story: the first cut is the deepest…. it really let me know that this is vibrationally of the highest grade. I don’t know how else to put it other than: it’s the sensation you get when you put something really important in your body.

Martin Pytela

Frequently Asked Questions

5 drops twice a day 30 minutes away from anything else you ingest. Work up to that if sensitive.

Yes. Start with one drop and slowly increase up.

Zeolites bind to positively charged substances, which almost always are toxins. Medications can fall into this category and the occasional supplement, so we suggest taking them at least 30 minutes after MP. This gives MP time to fully absorb and travel to its preferred destination while the body isn’t distracted by other food and medication. All supplementation and medication can continue as a practice, however, eventually some of them may no longer be needed.

Yes. We especially think any of the ZenCleanz kits are great companion cleanses along with the ongoing use of their enzymes. MP will only enhance and make safer any chosen cleanses.

We see the wisdom in also using micronized powder zeolites that have a bigger particle size to target the gut and larger sized toxins elsewhere in the body. Our MasterRestore non irradiated powdered zeolite blended with Fulvic Acid is an excellent choice.

I’ve heard claims it can carry heavy metals: We use Clinoptilolite zeolite, which is the one used for human consumption. Mines that harvest it purify it to render it free of toxins so that it can magnetize positively charged molecules in your body. Additionally, the mine we get our zeolite from goes an extra step and handles our differently to ensure it is not tainted even with diesel fuel fumes. Nevertheless, there are many studies done on zeolite safety and efficacy and not one shows toxicity if using standard parameters.

Three areas are key to making MasterPeace different. 1) The nano range that is achieved due to heavy research and experimentation by Michael Coe, Chief Scientific Officer at Kansas State University’s Nano lab, is unmatched so that it captures trapped toxins anywhere water goes in the body. 2) Marine Plasma is the lifeblood of the sea and we use the best available. Pairing this unmatched source of 100% bioavailable nutrition with our nano zeolites allows it to strategically grab toxins while nourishing cells. 3) Infusing the final product with the highest frequencies and energetics raises the consciousness of the liquid itself and gives it likely an Ormus-like characteristic that is unmatched.

About Us

The Human Consciousness Support Mission

Our intention is to align our thoughts, decisions, and actions for Human Consciousness Support and our products with the Highest and Best interests of all of Creation. We do our best using the tools we have to obtain the highest level of truth for research, development, and stewardship of MasterPeace by Human Consciousness Support

  • Operating in the highest and best interests of all of creation.
  • Supporting the optimal conditions for the evolution of consciousness in an economized society.
  • Delivering the purest products the industry has to offer.